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Welsh Dan

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Welsh Dan last won the day on November 10 2020

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About Welsh Dan

  • Birthday 07/08/1986

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  1. @Icefever I broached the subject with my better half and was met with a resounding no! Although she did say I could do something out there for Boxing Day, thinking a nice ham would be good!
  2. I’ve recently progressed my shack. I cast the slab a few months back and have got the frame and roof on weekend just gone. Cladding will be going on next on the back and one side wall including an openable window/serving hatch/extra work space. Want to have my kamado on the left hand side cut into the work top with a work surface next to it (cupboard/fridge underneath) and then the custom offset smoker I’m having for Christmas, on the right hand side. The over hang to the right I’m planning on putting a fire pit underr there so I can hang a Dutch oven from the roof. Or if I get more bbqs I can use the space for them 😉
  3. I have mine closed right down and it goes okay, bottom vent I have to have so only 2 or 4 of the small square holes are Open and the top vent is barely cracked open and it maintains quite well. I think someone else commented about how little air it needs. I think best advice I’ve seen on here is only change one thing at a time and make the changes gradually and also when you do make a change, give it a chance to work, it may take a bit of time to cool down/ heat up.
  4. How did you start your charcoal? I’ve done a few on mine and it’s been absolutely brilliant at lasting for 7-8 hours. I used minion method: I started by filling the bowl with charcoal but leaving A small well in the middle. Few lumps of smoking wood in there too. Used about quarter to third of a charcoal starter with two natural firefighters until it’s going really well, and tipped that in. Leave vents open for a while until you start getting to temp then start closing them down a bit at a time. Suppose the charcoal you’re using could effect it too?
  5. Restaurant Grade Cooking Lumpwood Charcoal 2 x 12kg, Perfect For Charcoal BBQ's, Large Chunks For Longer Burning Barbecues https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07QK87785/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_gM6VEb0M6TQER I ordered this, in stock and good delivery. Think they’ve got a website and the more you buy the cheaper it is but didn’t want to buy five bags!
  6. Yeah it came this afternoon. Just finished putting it together and want to cure it tonight as well. Very happy with it, seems solid!
  7. How is yours going @Robdan?
  8. Had an text message saying it’s being delivered tomorrow. Maybe the chaser email I sent earlier in the week worked!
  9. I had an email saying it was dispatched last Tuesday but tracking info has no update, just keeps saying waiting to confirm a delivery date. Does say allow 7-10 days I think but frustrating when others have had theirs! Haha Fingers crossed an update soon...
  10. Hi Adam, another wales based member! also ordered from Aldi on Sunday although no update on delivery just yet... @Robdan is just rubbing it in too! Haha
  11. @Robdan had an email today to say smoker has been dispatched, excited!
  12. @Smokin Monkey my better half made a cheese potato dish, thinly sliced potatoes with cheesey white sauce, was really nice!
  13. Yeah I was thinking that actually but was worried it would come across as badgering if I kept on about it. After all they are the ‘experts’. They are pretty good up there to be fair and worst case I’ll still have a joint of meat I can cook either on the bbq or oven.
  14. I’ve got in touch with my local butcher and asked them about it. Said they could over text message but that remains to be seen... I tried to be specific asking for the whole cut i.e point and flat end (packer cut I think they call it in the US. He said they could do that at £6.50 a kg so if that is the right cut then pretty good compared to what I’ve seen online. Out of interest anyone else who’s got a whole cut what did you pay per kilo?
  15. Did my first Spatchcock chicken on bbq Yesterday. Oiled chicken and put on rub of sea salt flakes, dried thyme, sage, touch of paprika and 3 sliced garlic cloves. Left marinade for almost 24 hours. setup for minion method with some charcoal briquettes, 2 small apple wood lumps and poured in 1/2 a chimney of lump wood (small stuff as it was the end of the bag) monitored temp on bbq thermometer and also used stick thermometer through lid gap, supposed to see the lid was fairly accurate. Better than I thought it was. found temp was fine at first Holding around 130/140 but after about 45 mins it seemed to rise uncontrollably. I guess because bbq leaks air like a sieve so valves and small chimney are pretty much useless! anyway, cooked for about 1 hr 15 mins and checked breast and thigh temp. Overshot slightly by about 10c on both but still very nice. Turned over and put over coals for a few mins then wrapped in foil to rest for 10 mins or so. all in all a decent cook and flavour was fantastic and Amazingly moist. Got the leftovers today!
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