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  1. Looking into a new offset for the summer, my father-in-law bought an £80 one from eBay last year and it leaked smoke like crazy so that went down the tip a couple of weeks ago as it wasn't really fit for purpose. Initially I considered either a Tepro 1087 Biloxi or Landmann Kentucky as they are in the £250-£300 range and I didn't want to go too crazy as someone whose experience mostly comes from eating the product and not cooking it. Then upon a bit more research I wondered if it was worth pushing the budget up to an Oklahoma Joe Highland Smoker instead which is nearer to £500 but I would assume has a slightly higher gauge steel (albeit thin compared to those in the £1K+ range) and it also seems to have a better setup with regard to doors, firebox and cooking area compared to the cheaper options. I'm prepared for any smoker around this price to need some kind of modification but would need to be limited to fire tape, silicone and that kind of thing as I don't have the tools to make extreme changes. Would definitely appreciate some advice from those that own any of the 3 I've listed or if there's other options out there I may have missed on my search?
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